We can be welcome when we know welcome. A welcome that begins with knowing we have a home in God. And when we know welcome, we can extend it to others.
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We all have experienced warm welcomes … But those spaces are starting to seem scarce.
You seek to welcome others but division and distance are the chosen path. You look to create spaces of connection and belonging but isolation persists. Places provided fall short of meaningful moments and people skim the surface of one another’s lives.
The Truth Is…
We live in a fractured culture. The divides are getting stronger and distance is growing. Is there hope for bridging our divides?
Loneliness is increasing. In our age of technology, isolation increases and we are less present to one another. How do we work against this?
We don’t know how to bridge the gap. We are both anxious and longing, afraid and need connection. How can we grow in offering the welcome that we and others need?
Hi! Welcome to this tiny spot in cyberspace that invites you into people and places of welcome to learn from, engage with, and become!
The journey here began in 2020, when I was having a hard time connecting with God and wondered if others were struggling with the same. At that time, I founded the Digital Silent Retreat Ministry and began a deeper study of hospitality.
I discovered that hospitality and welcome can be taken wherever we go—to our neighborhood, the grocery store, our workplaces, and even the digital space. As my team and I hosted these retreats, we learned that welcome isn’t as much about a space as it is about the people who hold it.
Now, I am taking things further and have written a book that is a space for you to learn. Our team continues to provide Digital Silent Retreats, and I enjoy creating space for you and your team to become people and places of welcome.
The digital retreats are a surprising balm for the soul. In the midst of uncertainty and constant change, this time has been the well-spring of life that I longed for.
Grace S.
Justice Worker
Laura doesn't just preach about surrender … she practices it. And then she preaches with the depth, authenticity, and wisdom of someone who knows how to yield her life to Jesus and inspire others to do the same.
Charlie D.
Church Planter and Pastor
Laura was the first person to truly stretch me and help me experience God in a new and rich way through spiritual practices. I am forever changed by it. She has a way of shepherding others to dig deep, build vulnerability, and live out their belovedness in Christ.
Emily S.
As an extrovert, silence is not something that comes easily to me. So, doing a couple of digital silent retreats has been life giving to me. They have helped me create space to hear God in ways that I don't in the normal busyness of my life.
Steve M.
I deeply appreciated my experience with the digital silent retreat. It was just what I needed. Having the encouragement, structure, and support allowed me to slow down and connect with God and myself.
Sarah Claire S.
Church Planter and LPC
During a time of listening and prayer for strategic direction at our elder retreat, I recall the steady confidence with which Laura guided us from an inward personal focus to an outward posture. Laura demonstrated capacity to gently encourage us to surrender one's personal agenda to the Lord's greater vision for His body.
Charles C.
Presbyterian Elder
Download Your Silent Retreat Guide
Welcome stillness and quiet into the Lent Season.
Download the Holy Stillness Retreat Guide
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